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Funded Research Projects

Project 'Silencing CNM' from Dr Bitoun

ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e. V. is pleased to announce funding for the groundbreaking project “Silence-CNM,” led by Dr. Marc Bitoun from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), France, with a contribution of €66,000.

Portrait of Dr. Marc Bitoun, a researcher at the Centre of Research in Myology in Paris, wearing a white lab coat in a laboratory setting. Next to him is an English quote emphasizing the significance of funding for progressing towards a viable treatment for CNM (centronuclear myopathies), offering renewed hope for patients and their families. The ZNM - Zusammen Stark! e.V. logo appears below.
This image features a photograph of Professor Dr. Susan Treves from the University of Basel, Switzerland, along with a quote from her discussing the impact of her research on RYR1-related myopathies. The quote reads: "Our research marks a significant step forward in unraveling the complexities of RYR1-related myopathies. With this, we aim to pave the way for targeted therapies." The image is branded with the logo of ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e.V., an association dedicated to centronuclear myopathies. The background of the quote section is a solid blue, while the text is white and yellow.

Project by Dr. Treves

Project by Dr. Sarkozy and
Dr. Baranello

New study on titinipathies research! We are pleased to announce that ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e.V. and Team Titin are funding a joint project worth 50,000 euros to conduct a natural history study of titinopathies (TTN-RM).

Funding announcement Instagram 11-29-2021

Dr. Wang's project

Study by Isabel Punzon

We are happy to announce the award of a grant of 106,000 euros for a pioneering research initiative led by Dr Isabel Punzón from the Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine, Paris. The funded study aims to find a completely new approach using CRISP CAS technology to develop a treatment for people with CNM (with mutations in the genes MTM1, DNM2, BIN1).

This image displays Isabel Punzon from the Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine in Paris, France, alongside a quote emphasizing the potential for treatments effective in dogs to also be effective in humans. The quote reads: "Treatments that are effective in dogs have a very high probability of being effective in humans. We are very excited to start with this research, that could accelerate translation into clinical trials in patients with CNM." The quote is presented on a blue background, with white and yellow text. The ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e.V. logo is featured at the bottom, representing the German association for centronuclear myopathies.
A headshot of Jim Dowling from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Text reads: 'With this grant, we will use already approved drugs to find a treatment for DNM2-related CNM. Therefore, the drugs we find are deemed safe and can potentially offer a quick treatment for CNM-patients.' The logo of ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e.V., an association for centronuclear myopathies, is displayed at the bottom.

Research by Jim Dowling

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