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Die Sonnenblumen begleiten uns als starkes Zeichen für unsere Selbsthilfe-Organisation

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Transparent Civil Society Initiative

In April 2021, ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e. V. joined the Transparent Civil Society Initiative and has since been entitled to display this logo on its website. By signing the self-commitment declaration, we, like almost 1,500 other organizations, undertake to publish the statutes, the names of the key decision-makers and information on the source of funds, use of funds and personnel structure centrally and always up to date.

Name, registered office, address and year of foundation

ZNM – Together Strong! e. V. ,
Registered office: Stuttgart
Address: c/o Dr. Holger Fischer
Käte-Hamburger-Weg 8, 70569 Stuttgart
Year founded: 2015

Complete articles of association and information on the organization’s objectives

Here you can find our complete Articles of Association (as of 2018). You can find our goals and our mission on our “Association page” under “Our goal”. In the 2021 strategy workshop, we defined the “Purpose”, “Vision” and “Mission” of our association by consensus. You can find detailed information here. You can find the current articles of association here.

Information on tax concessions

The statutes of our association fulfill the requirements of §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 of the tax code according to the decision of the Stuttgart tax office. Our association is therefore recognized as a non-profit organization and can issue donation receipts for donations and membership fees. This is confirmed in the current notice of exemption dated 21.03.2023 by the Stuttgart Tax Office – Corporations. ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e. V. is registered under tax no. 99018/60576 assessed at the Stuttgart corporate tax office

Name and function of key decision-makers

Board of Directors:
Chairman of the Executive Board: Dr. Holger Fischer
Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board: Mareen Bockstette
Treasurer: Frank Schulte

Personnel structure

All members of the association work on a voluntary basis. See Articles of Association. Since 1.11.2022, the association has filled a 50% position as “Assistant to the Executive Board” with a full-time employee.

Information on the source of funds

see Annual Report 2023 and Guidelines on neutrality and independence.
Total income amounted to € 136,879 in calendar year 2023. In the auditor’s report for 2023, which is not yet public, the association had free reserves of € 9210.04 (account balance) as at December 31, 2023. In addition, there were earmarked reserves of € 1,333.51 (for the family conference), € 122,712.50 (outstanding installments for already approved research projects), € 6,162.10 (reserve for the TTN research project) and € 1449.54 (reserves for personal, i.e. charitable projects) and the reserve for the salaries of our employees € 22,325.66 – a total of € 163,193.35.

Information on the use of funds

see annual report2023

Corporate affiliation with third parties

ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e. V. is a (contributing) member of

ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e. V. is also a member of

  • Treat-NMD

  • Orphanet

  • Nakos (National Contact and Information Center for the Encouragement and Support of Self-Help Groups)

Names of persons whose annual payments account for more than 10% of the total annual budget

For 2023, the flat-rate funding from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (vdek) in accordance with Section 20h SGB V (€ 30,000) and the vdek project funding for the website (€ 21,494.16) exceeded more than 10% of the total annual budget.

Corporate affiliation with third parties

As at 20.04.2024, hf

Financial table VDEK

Funding from health insurance companies/associations for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Link