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Die Sonnenblumen begleiten uns als starkes Zeichen für unsere Selbsthilfe-Organisation

Startseite » About us

About us



Management Board

Our current board of ZNM-Zusammen Stark! introduces itself:
Left Frank Schulte (Treasurer), center Mareen Bockstette (Deputy Chairwoman), right Holger Fischer (1st Chairman)

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Working groups

Research Advisory Board

The Research Advisory Board of ZNM – Zusammen Stark! e. V. consists of six members of the association and four external members. These are currently (May 2024) Dr. Bärbel Nötzel, Carl-Phillip Nagy, Dr. Jennifer Bilbao, Marian Beelen, Ulrike Hauer and Thomas Hartmann as association members and Dr. Johann Böhm, Dr. Andreas Roos, Dr. Katharina Vill and Dr. Nicol Voermans as external members.


Our history

Family stories

Since the association was founded in 2015, we have become many and therefore we are very diverse. This is wonderful to see and gives many families a lot of strength and affection. Friendships have developed and are developing, exchanges are possible and questions can be asked. Some families introduce themselves and their stories. Thank you very much for this!




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